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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:53 am
by admin
1. Agent Server (computer B) as a middle computer connecting another 2 computers. Agent Server / Listener Client / Forwarder Client can be started on the same computer. Simply, input local port and click start(1) to listen.

2. Listener Client (computer A) as a listener (as service port on server). Input server port and ip in Client Common, user name and password in Listener Client, then click start(2) button to listen. Where user name and password must same as Forwarder Client, and user name must be created in agent server (computer B) user.txt or user table.

3. Forwarder Client as a computer on remote side. Input server port and ip in Client Common, user name and password in Forwarder Client, then click start(3) button to listen. Where user name and password must same as Listener Client, and user name should be found in agent server (computer B) user.txt or user table.

4. Keep connection alive, checked Keep Alive in Client Common will keep tunnel connected.

5. Encrypt Command, if checked, command used by Magic Router under tunnel will be encrypted. But will find a little busy while uploading or downloading file from forwarder to listener by PUT/GET command.

6. Password used by listener or forwarder must be the same, but not necessary same as agent server user list. This dynamic password is used for anti-hacking. Only listener or forwarder know the user password, 3rd user will not know. User name created on agent server is used to control authentication.

7. If bi-directions (forward and backward) connections are used, you can set listener and forwarder on the same interface, but listener and forwarder user name must be different, and 2 user right is needed on agent server. Then 1 instant of Magic Router can act as 2 roles, as listener and forwarder at the same interface.

8. If you want to make a self test, click start(1),start(2),start(3), ip using You can issue command on tools > shell cmd on forwarder, view connections, view agent server user status. I like issue IPCONFIG, or SYSTEMINFO to see remote forwarder information.