Cannot start system service or cannot install
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:22 pm
If Magic Router status bar show "cannot start system service" or "cannot install". Go to system service, see that Magic Router service installed or not.
If installed, but still get this error, is because of service cannot reinstall. Anyway service is installed.
Even service is installed, it may not start up correctly. It is because operating system security issue, not allow Magic Router to copy. Then you need to manual copy mm.exe.
If system service running path is C:\TEMP\mm1.exe -service -cf=config.1.txt. Then copy mm.exe to mm1.exe will fix problem. Try to start Magic Router system service again.
You must setup the "Start Button Seq." in Misc. Pages setting. Check which start button you need to start. If no values inside the text box, Magic Router start up will take no action. See Misc. > Overview for more.
If installed, but still get this error, is because of service cannot reinstall. Anyway service is installed.
Even service is installed, it may not start up correctly. It is because operating system security issue, not allow Magic Router to copy. Then you need to manual copy mm.exe.
If system service running path is C:\TEMP\mm1.exe -service -cf=config.1.txt. Then copy mm.exe to mm1.exe will fix problem. Try to start Magic Router system service again.
You must setup the "Start Button Seq." in Misc. Pages setting. Check which start button you need to start. If no values inside the text box, Magic Router start up will take no action. See Misc. > Overview for more.