FTP Routing for Passive Mode FTP Server

Include Standard Routing, Port Foward, Header Forward, Auto Switch, QoS and Remote Management.

FTP Routing for Passive Mode FTP Server

Postby admin » Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:40 am

Magic Router version after 2.2.0 is support Passive Mode FTP Server routing. By defining a standard listen port = 21, protocol = FTP (-pr=2) and data ports in advanced page, default data port range is 2001 to 2004. After settings in Magic Router, add defined ports in your windows firewall.

Magic Router can translate ftp server private ip to public ip, ftp dynamic data port to static data port (2001 to 2004). 4 data ports is suggested (according to IIS Ftp server design). If there are always over 4 users with the same remote ip accessing your ftp server, you can widen the data port range. Of course you need to open more ports in windows firewall.

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Magic Router FTP Routing is support infinite routing, Magic Router FTP mode route to another Magic Router FTP .....
1. Must select valid local/public ip to listen,
2. Support these features ONLY: Qos, Router Mode = Alone, Access Time, Firewall, Quota.
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