You can setup Remote Management as Monitor of Magic Router.
Make sure there are index.html and help.html files inside your Magic Router folder.
Before any changes, select config file first. Listen port is the port to connect monitor, allowed ip subnet is to protect monitor from being access by other network. After input admin user and password, remember to click save button and start(4) button.
If you need remote management, index.html must be included under the same folder of MR.EXE
Start Remote Management by this link http://ServerIp:Port/index.html. If the subnet of ServerIp is not same as allowed ip subnet, you will not allow to login even you input the correct user name and password.
The following functions are included in index.html page.
Standard Routing Connections
Agent Server Connections
Agent Listener Connections
Agent Forwarder Connections
Agent Server User Status
Block Ip/User: select option, then input ip or user to block connection.
Drop connection: find out the item number in connection list, select option, then input the item number to drop connection.
Restart Standard Routing ONLY
Restart All Listen Ports, include standard routing, remote management listen port and Start Button Sequence in Misc. page
Shut Down Magic Router
Command: Type in any command, click send to run command on the computer/server that installed with Magic Router.
If you cannot connect to VNC Server, type the following to restart.
See Help parameters.
Add/Remove Black/White Ip in Text File/Memory.
Log data.
Help: Help on Parameters and Descriptions
-lp Listen Port
-lh Local IP
-tp To Port
-th To Host, domain name or ip address
-pr Protocol, 0=TCP, 1=UDP
-mp Remote Management Listen Port
-rp Allowed IP SubNet, = no control
-ru Admin User
-rw Admin Password
-hf Enable Header Forward, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-hd Header Forward Definition, ie. AGENTSAUTHENTICA,,2222
-qs QoS Value, in terms of Kbyte
-qo Enable Advanced Qos, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-qm QoS Mapping, ie. admin,*,00:00:00,23:59:59,99999
-s1 Enable Auto Switch, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-s2 Try next server when timeout / ms
-s3 No. of retry before switch server
-s4 Method, 0=Auto, 1=Default, 2=Switch
-s5 Spare Server Definition, ie.,5955
-s6 Action, If no available servers, take action, send mail, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-s7 Action, If no available servers, take action, run command.
-bs Socket Send Buffer, 1024 to 64512
-br Socket Receive Buffer, 1024 to 64512
-pp Small Packet, 0=Not, 1=Yes, data always less than 100 byte is small packet
-b1 Bind Non Local Computer IP, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-d1 Network Adapter Interface Index, check with Route Print
-pi Pass ip, pass remote ip from 1st MR to next MR, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-f1 From FTP Data Port, default=2001
-f2 To FTP Data Port, default=2004
-f3 Translate Private Ip to Public Ip, must input, no domain name.
-pc Router Mode, 0=Alone, 1=Client, 2=Server
-me Encryption, 0=none, 1=Compress, 2=AES, 3=Compress+AES, 4=Shift, 5=SSL3
-ke AES key, max 32 characters
-sb Shift Bytes by, 1 to 254
-ac Enable Authentication, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-au Authentication User Name, must found in server user.txt or table
-ap Authentication Password, must same as server user.txt or table
-ul User List, 0=user.txt, 1=database
-ss Command Line to Start up SSL v3 Secure Tunnel
-as User Access Time, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-st User Access Time Setting, User,Ip,From,To,WeekDays
ie. *,00:00:00,23:59:59,1234567
ie. *,,00:00:00,23:59:59,23456
where 1=Sunday, 7= Saturday
-fi Enable Firewall, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-fp= Max Conn Per Ip
-fa Max Connection All Connections
-ff Hit Values, ie. 15,60,200;150,600,2000;300,130
-fm Detection Multiple, 1 to 99
-fb Add Black Ip, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-fw Allow White Ip ONLY, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-fx Black IP Mode, 0=txt, 1=table, 2=DNSBL
-fy White IP Mode, 0=txt, 1=table
-fd DNSBL Domain
-fu Using White Ip, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-fk Keep Firewall Record For Days
-fs Reset Lock, by hour, also apply to agent server, 0=not lock.
-if Intelligent Firewall, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-dd Enable DDOS, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-d1 Network Adapter Interface Index, check with Route Print
-dp DDOS Packet Threshold, 1-65535
-dt DDOS Packet Timeout /ms, 1-65535
-dr DDOS Attack Run App, ie. alarm.wav
-de DDOS Attack Notify by email, 0=Not, 1=Yes.
-qc Enable Connection Quota, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-q1 Bytes Sent/Receive Per Connection In Hour/Day/Mega Values, ie. 100,200;100,200
-qi Enable Ip Quota, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-q2 Bytes Sent/Receive Per Ip In Hour/Hour/Mega Values, ie. 200,400;200,400
-lo Log Error, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-lc Log Connection, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-di Show Main Screen on Startup, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-la Language, reserved
-nf Firewall Attack Notify by email, 0=Not, 1=Yes.
-nq Over Quota Notify by email, 0=Not, 1=Yes.
-ng Firewall Attack Run App, ie. notepad.exe
-nr Over Quota Attack Run App, ie. wordpad.exe
-ne Notify Email Address
-re Auto Restart Router By Days, 0=not restart
-at at, 0 to 23
-id Kill Idle Connection By Days
-sc Start Button Seq., 0,4 is default, see help for more on settings
-sr Service restart if no response by seconds
-pw Save Password, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-bo System Service Booster, boosting running speed, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-bu Buffering data to Magic Router will increase application server stability, FTP protocol is default 0, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-ht Http Authentication, ie. browser access require user name and password, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-sp Agent Server Local Port
-si Agent Server Local IP
-sd Listener Client Port Forward Definitions, ie.,3388,,3389,TCP;,5901,,5901,TCP
-sq Client Common Server Port
-sj Client Common Server IP, domain or ip address
-su Listener Client User Name, must same as forwarder client, and found in agent server user.txt or table
-sw Listener Client Password, must same as forwarder client
-sx Forwarder Client User Name, must same as listener client, and found in agent server user.txt or table
-sy Forwarder Client Password, must same as listener client
-sa Client Common Connection Keep Alive, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-b2 Listener: Bind Non Local Computer IP, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-d2 Listener: Adapter Interface Index, check with Route Print
-b3 Listener: Auto Bind Port, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-px Listener: Bind IP/Port,,137-139
-ef Forwarder: Allow Rules, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-ec Forwarder: Allow Run Shell Cmd on Forwarder
-es Forwarder: Allowed Rules Setting, Ip,Port,From,To,WeekDays
-df Forwarder: Block Rules, 0=Not, 1=Yes
-ds Forwarder: Blocked Rules Setting, Ip,Port,From,To,WeekDays
ie. 137-139,18:00:01,23:59:59
-mf Forwarder: Max. Allowed Connections for Forwarder, 0=Unlimit
-af AgServer: Auto Trigger Forwarder, Simulate VPN Server, 0=Not, 1=Yes